Master the tricks of the trade with a beauty makeup demonstration, learn essential beauty secrets tips and techniques and be inspired...

The class is an opportunity for makeup artists, beauticians and makeup enthusiasts, where Victoria will share with you technical skills, product knowledge, share ideas and offer advice. You'll hear personal experiences, stories and challenges of her 13 year journey through the makeup industry.

The masterclass will follow the format of a full makeup demonstration being applied on a model, whilst you have the opportunity to watch and ask questions regarding any of the techniques, application tips, and products that are being shared. 

  • There will be a limited number of tickets available for the event, to maintain exclusivity and keep the event intimate
  • Victoria will share detailed tips and tricks of the makeup as well as favourite products and tools of the trade
  • The masterclass can be as interactive as you want it to be and questions are encouraged so you make the most of this opportunity.

The masterclass will take place in a pre-organised venue, and will be promoted on Victoria's social media outlets.


Latest Events

There are currently no scheduled events, check back soon!


masterclasses are suitable for:

  • Makeup artists
  • Beauticians
  • Makeup enthusiasts

The next masterclass

Victoria's next masterclass is on it's way! Until then be sure to follow her on social media and sign up to her mailing list to be the first to know when tickets are available.

Sign Up for the latest

Get in touch

For all enquiries regarding masterclasses with Victoria Fox, please use the contact form below.